Monday, October 18, 2010

Dr. Jefferson

Dr. Jefferson was an amazing individual. She, indeed, impacted many lives, born and unborn. Her toughness and endurance as well as her moral conviction certainly have her sitting alongside the Lord, in her final resting place in Heaven. She was an inspiration to many and a pioneer who challenged those gone astray. Her eloquent and skilled usage of language in concert with her factual acumen mesmerized those who refuted or denied that the right to life is the fundamental and basic of all human rights.
On a personal level, she touched my heart with her kindness and always provided encouragement and positiveness when I worked for MCFL. It was a pleasure and a joy to see her face radiate at the Annual MCFL Respect life Walks to Aid Mothers and Children over the years. Although many felt her to be overbearing and obstinate at times, I always believed her to be a truly genuine, sincere human being with nothing but the best of intention in mind. God Bless her - she is now with all the unborn angels she dedicated her life for.
Stephen Fielding
Former Director of Development and Current Walk Committee Member

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