Monday, October 18, 2010

Dr. Jefferson

Dr. Jefferson was a great political genius, able to analyze political events with a critical sharpness that few could duplicate.  She could speak extemporaneously in long, complex sentences that were grammatically perfect.  Another feat few can duplicate.  Her intelligence was formidable, and she could debate the best of her adversaries.  Her understanding of the system our founding fathers created was flawless.  Dr. Jefferson was also a super patriot, often attending patriotic occasions with colorful patriotic emblems and badges.  She loved America with every bit of her heart and soul.  I always considered Dr. Jefferson to be the Republican party's best kept secret weapon, which the party never took advantage of.  She would have been a great U.S. Senator.  She was a Republican because it was the party of Lincoln, the party of the Emancipation Proclamation.  She often spoke without notes as if she had memorized the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  She was critical of her fellow African-Americans for their lack of political independence and lack of understanding of our basic American system.  We shall all miss her very much.  She was a unique human being. with a beautiful independent mind that should become a model for our children.  I had urged her to write her autobiography, but she was ever too busy fighting battles that I was only dimly aware of.  Her life is an example of what one individual can do to inspire and encourage others to be equally independent in the pursuit of moral and factual truth.
Sam Blumenfeld

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