Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Catholic Hospitals being sold - Obamacare at fault?

The CEO of Mercy Partners announced the sale of three of their Catholic hospitals in Pennsylvania, commenting, "Health-care reform is absolutely playing a role. Was it the precipitating factor in this decision? No, but was it a factor in our planning over the next five years? Absolutely."
"Absolutely" Obamacare is a factor in these Catholic hospitals being sold.  That should not surprise us. 

Catholic hospitals disproportionally serve the poor and the elderly.  Obamacare is cutting the heart out of funding for care for the elderly.  These hospitals will go out of business for lack of funds.

Obamacare will require hospitals to perform abortion, sterilization, and in vitro fertilization.  It will not allow special care for high risk pregnancies or "proportionate" care  like nutrition and hydration which has to be administered artificially. 

There are Attorney Generals stating, "No Catholics should be allowed to work in Emergency Rooms", thus highlighting the slashing of conscience rights inherent in Obamacare.

Might it make sense for these hospitals to figure they are going to be put out of business anyway and, therefore, it is prudent to get out while they can?

The problem, of course, are the vulnerable people left with no care!

This election can repeal Obamacare.  Be sure to vote!                                                                      Anne                                                              



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