Tuesday, June 17, 2014

April Showers, May Flowers, June SCOTUS Decisions

The Supreme Court saves opinion-release of the controversial cases until June - the end of their session.  Knowing that, have you wondered why they released the Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions in January?  I just finished Clarke Forsythe's Abuse of Power.  He shows conclusively that the Justices truly thought the abortion cases were not controversial and that everybody agreed with them.

This year there are 25 cases outstanding.  The Cato Institute lists the seven most notable.  Three of those are ours!  McCullen (Buffer Zone), Hobby Lobby (for which we submitted a brief) and Susan B Anthony.  The SBA List said a "pro-life" Congressman had voted for abortion funding because he voted for O-care.  We said the same thing about Congressmen Lynch and Neal.  The difference is that SBA said it in Ohio which criminalizes making a "false statement" about a candidate.

Currently scheduled opinion-release days are June 2 (tomorrow), June 9, 16, 23, and 30. They will probably cut June 30 and add 3-4 more opinion days the weeks of June 9, 16, or 23. Each week's extra days are typically announced on the Monday of the given week.
None of these cases is about abortion.  It is abortion, however, which has caused pro-ab legislators and government officials to write foolish legislation and regulations to promulgate abortion at any cost.  These cases are just a few examples of the way abortion has corrupted our legal system.

Experts seem to think McCullen will be close but that we will prevail.  Given the tone in the press so far, it will be fun to watch the deluge. What concerns me is that the Court might send it back to the Massachusetts legislature with instructions on how to make a buffer zone constitutional.  The same experts feel we will prevail in the Hobby Lobby case also because the government has not bothered to make its case well.  The Susan B Anthony case is a farce.  Not only will the pro-life group be exonerated, but the law will be struck down.

At the Respect Life Walk to Aid Mothers and Children (June 29), we are going to have a mighty SCOTUS celebration!  Many of the beneficiaries are pregnancy resource centers which have a direct interest in the defeat of the buffer zone.  Others are involved in the religious freedoms threatened by the HHS mandate, etc.

Interesting times, as they say…




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