Monday, April 11, 2011

Continuing Resolution--A Big Win for Life


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Continuing Resolution - Big Win for Life


I have included below the explanation of what the CR accomplished and a fine article by Kathryn Jean Lopez on the pro-life wins involved.  Before that, I want to share a concern that has been developing over the past few days.


I see too many of our allies hanging everything on de-funding Planned Parenthood.  They promise that, if PP is not de-funded, they will give up - and they mean it.  Most pro-lifers are wiser and keep plugging no matter what.  Let's look at the situation and be as wise as the serpents.   


While Speaker Boehner had Reid and Obama fixated on funding PP or closing down the government, he got them to agree to stop funding abortions in DC - THAT SAVES 1000 LIVES A YEAR, to agree Obama cannot hire thousands of IRS agents to enforce Obamacare, and that there will be STAND-ALONE VOTES ON OBAMACARE and de-funding PP.   


De-funding PP  

Here is the explanation of what happened and a fine article by Kathryn Jean Lopez on the pro-life wins involved. De-funding PP would be all the holidays rolled into one.  A year ago no one was even postulating the possibility.  The House voted to de-fund.  We do not have the votes in the Senate and, of course, Pres Obama would veto.  One of the reasons we don't have the votes currently is that people like Congressman Stephen Lynch honestly believe that contraception cuts down on abortion.  He honestly believes a vote for funding PP's contraceptive efforts is a pro-life vote.  We must educate him and others that contracepting individuals and communities are also more likely to resort to abortion.  Right now we do not have the votes, so why has Speaker Boehner, who is proving to be very shrewd, been pushing it so hard?  I think he planned it the way it turned out and that is a big victory for him and for life.  


Of course, we should keep pushing to de-fund PP and even harder to remove all tax funding for abortion, etc. but we must keep things in perspective and continue to be smarter than the other side.  -Anne 


CR accomplished:
1.  ObamaCare repeal vote:  The Senate will be forced to have a vote on the repeal of President Obama's health care law, known as ObamaCare.  The House passed a repeal of ObamaCare in January.


2.  New tools to repeal ObamaCare:  The deal will require numerous studies to illuminate the true cost and impact of the President's health care law on Americans.  The studies include determining how individuals and families will see increased premiums as a result of certain ObamaCare mandates, a full audit of all the waivers that the Obama administration has given to corporations, organizations, and unions, a full audit of the comparative effectiveness research funding in ObamaCare, and a report on the number and cost of government contractors hired to implement the law.

3.  IRS:  The deal denies the Obama administration's request for increased federal funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

4.  Planned Parenthood:  The agreement with Senate Democrats guarantees a Senate debate and vote on legislation that would end federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

5.  Bans taxpayer-funded abortions:  The agreement includes a complete ban on federal funding of abortion in the District of Columbia (D.C.), applying the pro-life principles of the Hyde Amendment.


Here's the article:








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