Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Please help!

People are constantly telling us they want to be able to donate to MCFL on an automatic basis: monthly, quarterly, or whatever.
In looking at programs, we had two concerns.  We wanted to insure the safety and security of the program.  Our Sunday Visitor now administers Online Giving secure sites.  We am very comfortable about working with them. 
Second, we didn't want you to miss any of the important news that is contained in the fund raising letters.  If you decide to give automatically I promise to send you mailings, invitations, etc. that you need to keep up with all the news that isn't in the MCFL News.   

You benefit from the ease of automatic giving.
You don't need to write checks, keep track of the last time you have given, or hunt for reply envelopes. There is no need to share confidential credit card or account information - you can enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site.  You can take advantage of credit card benefits like airline mileage or cash bonuses.

Mass. Citizens benefits by having a much more user friendly web site.  We are able to plan our yearly budget and activities with more assurance.  People will be less likely to mean to give but forget.  Funds you contribute will go directly to programs rather than being eaten up by direct mail costs.

I hope you will consider this program!  Please check it out.
Thank you for all you do for life!

Safe Unsubscribe
This email was sent to mcfl.blogpost@gmail.com by mcfl@masscitizensforlife.org.
MCFL | 529 Main Street | Boston | MA | 02129

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