Monday, December 6, 2010

Tax funded military abortions! Call today!


The Defense Authorization Bill contains the Burris Amendment which will repeal the longstanding ban on the use of military medical facilities to perform elective abortions. 
Senator Brown voted against the Burris Amendment in Committee, which is wonderful.
The problem is that, if the Bill gets to the floor, we do not have the votes to defeat it even with Scott Brown voting right.
What we need to do is to keep the bill from coming to the floor as long as it contains the Burris Amendment.  This is possible.  In order for the bill to come to the floor, the cloture motion must receive 60 votes, so the famous 41 votes will stop it.
Please call Senator Brown's office, say we appreciate his vote in committee against the Burris Amendment and urge him to vote against cloture as long as the Defense Appropriations Bill contains the Burris Amendment.
NB.  Please remember the basic rule when contacting a legislator - stick to the issue for which you called.
Make your life-saving call right now, (617) 565-3170 or (202) 224-4543.
Thank you!  Anne


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