Tuesday, September 28, 2010

MCFL Fed PAC announces endorsements

                           Massachusetts Citizens for Life Federal Political Action Committee

For immediate release                                                                       contact John Rowe, 978-531-8565


Boston-- Today, the political arm of the Massachusetts Citizens for Life, the oldest and largest right to life
organization in the state, has endorsed five candidates to replace Congressman Richard Neal (2nd CD), Congressman James McGovern (3rd CD), Congressman Barney Frank (4th CD), Congreeman John Tierney (6thCD), and Congressman Edward Markey (7th CD)

The MCFL  Federal PAC has endorsed: Thomas Wesley (2nd CD), Martin Lamb (3rd CD), Sean Bielat (4th CD), Bill Hudak (6th CD) and Dr. Gerry Dembrowski (7th CD).

Reps. Neal, McGovern, Frank, Tierney, and Markey voted to enact President Obama's massive health care legislation although it lacked the pro-life protections that were necessary to prevent
future federal funding of elective abortion and federal subsidies for private insurance plans that cover elective abortion (some of which will be administered directly by the federal government).

"These Congressmen voted for the most abortion-expansive single piece of legislation ever to reach the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives," said MCFL Fed PAC Chairman, John Rowe.
Rowe continued, "We are proud to endorse Thomas Wesley, Martin Lamb, Sean Bielat, Bill Hudak and Dr Gerry Dembrowski.  Each of these candidates has answered the MCFL Questionnaire
100% pro-life.  We look forward to having Congressmen who will vote against abortion funding and for protection of all innocent life.  We are contacting right to life people in each of these districts so they can
vote for the right to life candidates."

MCFL Fed PAC has already endorsed State Senator Jeff Perry for Congress in the 10th CD.

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For more information about the Pro-Life cause in Massachusetts or to get involved please visit our   website at masscitizensforlife.org.


  1. But will it if the Lefties get in? I wonder.

  2. Dale E. Brown, independent, in the Fifth District is pro-life. Here is a statement from his website:

    "The practice of abortion is legal genocide and goes against the basic Judeo/Christian beliefs and principles upon which this country was based and should be considered an un-American practice. What is even worse is government sponsored abortion. We are committing self genocide....or are there external forces in action here.

    This, I would consider to be the worst holocaust in the history of mankind. If one believes in a god one cannot believe that that god would approve the cavalier acceptance of this practice. I personally can only see support of this practice by those with no concern for human life.

    Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Nobel Peace Prize in 1979): "But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child - a direct killing of the innocent child - murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"

    The only abortion that I would condone is in a situation that it is the only procedure available to save the mother's life. "
