Monday, October 1, 2012

Q2 Proponents are SELFISH! And a Word About Today’s Polls

Marcia Angell, MD, had a pro-Doctor-Prescribed Suicide (DPS) piece in the Herald and now the same piece appears in the Globe. 

You will notice that she attacks our argument that insurance companies will do the cheap thing not the right thing, as they did with Barbara Wagner and Randy Stroup.  She maintains that doesn't matter because – get this – the people using DPS are upper class,well-to-do whites.  So, she is saying it doesn't matter if you or I or Barbara or Randy, who would like to live, are denied care as long as she and her privileged friends can kill themselves with society's blessing.  Her main argument comes back to bite her.

The Globe has published polls showing:

Warren leading Brown 43% – 38%. 

Support for DPS at 68% - 20 %.

What does this tell us? We know the media intentionally over-represents Democrats in polls hoping to demoralize us and cause us to stay home. 

What can we do?  We must redouble our get-out-the vote effort. The nice thing is that people we can turn out to vote for Brown are likely to vote against DPS.

The DPS poll presents a different picture.  It shows essentially no movement in spite of all the hard work on your part.  This validates what we have known from the beginning – the ballot question depends on TV ads, which haven't started yet.  We have known all along that the grass roots work would be the frosting on the cake but that the TV ads would be the main educational tool.

Massachusetts Against Doctor-Prescribed Suicide: No On 2 has a TV ad which has been tested and which moves voters from favoring DPS to opposing it.  The more they can get that ad on TV, the more people will move. The Globe poll tells us we must move a lot of people.  That meansMADPS: No On 2 must raise a lot more money!  Please go immediately to tomake a sacrificial donation.  And pray!

We can defeat Q2!  Anne


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