Thursday, October 11, 2012

Congratulations! Nobel Prize has caught up with you. Also something very sad.

For more than a decade, right-to-lifers have maintained that embryonic stem cell research was unethical because it killed human beings and that ESC research was also foolish because there were no successes and ESC proved very dangerous in the few cases where they were used on people. Here we have another one of those situations where we have been vilified over and over. Yet, in the end, reality has caught up and it cannot be denied. We were right all along!


Eventually this will happen with abortion and euthanasia. We just have to keep working as hard as we can and reality will vindicate our positions. This is a wonderful piece on the Nobel Prize. You'll be delighted when you read the motivation for Dr. Yamanaka's work.


Many evil results of the anti-life philosophy are obvious. Some are beyond our imagination. We now discover that women who were born prematurely have more serious complications with their own pregnancies.  


Previous abortions are a main reason for premature deliveries in subsequent pregnancies. Women are having abortions, which are causing many of their daughters to be born prematurely, which is causing them to have pregnancy problems which are dangerous for them and their babies. Talk about things spinning out of control...  


If you haven't heard our friend John Kelly deal with doctor-prescribed suicide, you are in for a treat and a real education!


Thank you for all you do for life! Anne

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