Monday, March 26, 2012

Supreme Court and MA General Court

As you know, today the U S Supreme Court will begin hearing testimony about the challenge to the individual mandate in Obamacare. I don't have to tell you the importance of this case! The three articles below give excellent background and analysis of the situation. It is especially nice to see the one by Paige Cunningham who spoke here on the 30th anniversary of Roe v Wade.


Testimony on the Doctor Prescribed Suicide bill at the State House was amazing. Many of you were there and gave excellent testimony. The next job is for each of us to speak to our individual state senators and representatives. If they don't hear from us, they will think they can vote for DPS with impunity. has contact information.


When you talk to your legislators, please give them your reasons for opposing the bill and ask for commitments from them. Do not mention abortion or religious arguments. The thing that seems most effective is to point out that we can care for people, even those in severe pain and it is poor public policy to define suicide as a medical choice. At the hearings a number of people quoted Wayne Cockfield, who told us in January that "compassion" means "suffer with". He called the "compassion" in DPS, "medical abandonment". For more information, check


As soon as you have a commitment from your legislators (either way), please let Eva know right away, or by pressing "reply".  


Some people have already approached their legislators and the meetings have gone very well. Now it is your turn! Thank you, Anne

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