Friday, March 9, 2012

DPS Danger in Vermont


The people in Vermont have been holding up DPS legislation for about two years in the face of a governor who ran with it as his top priority. Their session is winding down, so I checked with them, hoping they were home safe for this session. This is what I received:


"Anne, the Chair of Senate Judiciary has just sent notice that he will hold hearings on the bill - we are working like crazy right now to flood the Senators with calls and get people to the SH next week - there will be some press attention and the bill could move to the floor - we have some powerful people on our side and some strong forces against us - I hope we can hold them off, especially for your sake, but as you know, we have always been in danger here - we're working hard and praying up another miracle - we'll know by the end of next week what we face."


Mary's reference to "for your sake" is so scary! Just think how much harder it will be for us to fight DPS if the Vermont legislature legalizes it. Just think of the PR advantage it will give the pro-death lobby in Massachusetts. I have been praying this morning for Vermont. I hope you will join me. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything. Thank you, Anne



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