Sunday, November 4, 2012

MCFL Federal PAC endorses and recommends

John Rowe, Chair of the Federal PAC announces that the PAC endorses:

Mitt Romney for President
Sean Bielat for Congress in the 4th Congressional District

During the past session of Congress, 2011-2012, 11 of the 12 members of the Massachusetts delegation voted 100% anti-life.
Of them all. only Sen. Scott Brown voted pro-life.  With that in mind, the PAC recommends voting for him and for the opponents of the others.
The PAC recommends:

Scott Brown for U. S. Senate

Richard Tisei for Congress in the 6th Congressional District.  As a state legislator, Tisei voted against tax funding of abortion and for parental consent laws.

Joseph Selvaggi for Congress in the 8th Congressional District

Christopher Sheldon
for Congress in the 9th Congressional District.

Selvaggi and Sheldon both answered the National Right to Life Questionnaire 100% pro-life.

NB from Anne: Some bloggers have been saying that Richard Tisei is endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood.  I need you to know this is false!

When you check their political sites, you will see that NARAL says they know nothing about his position and Planned Parenthood gives him a thumbs down.


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