Wednesday, February 8, 2012

DPS HEARING DATE and meeting correction



We just learned that the Judiciary Committee will hear the Bill, which is the same as the ballot question on doctor prescribed suicide, H3884, on March 6th at 1:00pm. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. We will need a major presence. The legislature could pass H3884 and it would be all over.

I listed the wrong date for the lawyer's meeting with Jennifer Popik. The actual date is Thur, Feb 16th at 6:00pm at the MCFL office.

We are changing the date for the nurses' meeting so that you nurses will have more time to reach out before the hearings. There will be another nurses' meeting in the western part of the state later.

Also, because the hearings are close, we invite all pharmacists to attend the nurses' meeting. The process for developing Nurses Against Doctor Prescribed Suicide and the information members need will be the same for the Pharmacists.

All the correct information is now listed below. The actual fight is beginning. We are ready. We need to get moving.


If you are a doctor, please visit Drs. John Howland, Mark Rollo, and many others are doing a stellar job of identifying doctors in the state who are opposed to DPS. I know you will want to work with them.

If you are a lawyer or law student, you are invited to the MCFL office at the Schrafft Center in Charlestown at 6:00pm on Thursday, February 16th for a special evening. Jennifer Popik, JD, from the Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics in DC, is coming to give a legal analysis of the proposed law in Massachusetts. Jennifer and the Center have been involved in all the other states where DPS has come up. She will go into many interesting aspects of the proposal. I hope this will help prepare you to speak out and write Letters to the Editor. Please reply to this email or call 617-242-4199, X 230 to let us know you are coming because we will provide a light supper.

If you are a nurse or a pharmacist or a student in either area, you are invited to the MCFL office at the Schrafft Center in Charlestown from 9:30am to 11:30 am on Saturday, February 18th. We will talk about the petition, it implications for you and what you can do as an individual and as part of a nurses' or pharmacists' group. Please note that retired professionals are every bit as necessary as those still in the field.

There is no protection to keep pharmacists from being required to fill those deadly prescriptions!

Please pass this along to all doctors, lawyers, nurses, and pharmacists whom you know and anyone else who might want to testify. Thanks! Anne





For more information about the Pro-Life cause in Massachusetts or to get involved  
 please visit our website at

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