Friday, July 25, 2014

Press Release: Arizona "Botched" Execution Uses Same Drugs as Doctor-Prescribed Suicide



Arizona "Botched" Execution Uses Same Drugs as Doctor-Prescribed Suicide

Charlestown, MA - July 25, 2014   

Contact Anne Fox, 781-449-1774

The recent "botched" execution in Arizona used the same drugs as those recommended for doctor-prescribed suicide. We now know that they do not cause "death with dignity" but what appeared to be an agonizing, prolonged death of almost two hours.

In 2012, Massachusetts voters defeated efforts to legalize doctor-prescribed suicide. Advocates filed a bill in the 2013/2014 legislative session and will bring it up again in 2015.

"We urge the legislature and the general public to remember this 'cruel and unusual punishment' when considering doctor-prescribed suicide again and not inflict it on the most vulnerable of Massachusetts' citizens." stated Anne Fox, President, Massachusetts Citizens for Life, the state's oldest and largest pro-life organization.


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