Monday, March 28, 2011

Are you one of the thousand? And other reminders


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Merry and Ken Nordeen tell me that there are 1000 people who have paid for their "Choose Life" license plates but have not picked them up.  If you are one of those people, you need to know your plate is waiting for you at your local registry office.  The state does not count you as having the plate until you pick it up.

If you have not ordered a plate, you do not need to - just stop by any registry office and get your plate.

I have a new friend, Linda, who told me she could never give a speech or go to picket, but she has her CL plate!  Just imagine how much good Linda is doing!

You need to register for the Convention, "Fighting for Life from Beacon Hill to Capitol Hill" by April 6th to be sure we can provide lunch for you.

Students for Life Youth Conference also has registration deadline of April 6th.

If you wish to participate in the Mildred F Jefferson Oratory contest, or know a student in Grades 10, 11, or 12 whom you think would be good, that registration deadline is also April 6th.  Remember those participating in the contest receive free admission to the Convention and the Conference.

You can have your "Choose Life" plate in time to help fill up the parking lot for life at B C Law on April 9th!  Please plan to join us.  Anne








For more information about the Pro-Life cause in Massachusetts or to get involved  
 please visit our website at

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Student Lobby Day and Youth Conference


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Students, this is your chance to have your voice heard!

Massachusetts Citizens for Life Student Lobby Day at the

State House

Pro-life legislators will tell you how things work at the State House.

Eva Murphy, MCFL Legislative Director will brief you on our legislation

Anne Fox, MCFL President, and Eva will take you on tours of the State House.

You will visit your Senator and Representative to educate them on pro-life legislation.



TUESDAY, APRIL 19T H - during school vacation

GARDNER AUDITORIUM, 10 am - 12 noon

followed by visits to your legislators


Students of all ages welcome.  Be sure to bring your lunch.


RSVP, John Triolo, Assistant Legislative director, 617-242-4199 X 224,









For more information about the Pro-Life cause in Massachusetts or to get involved  
 please visit our website at

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What did Senator Brown say about Planned Parenthood, if anything?


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The main stream media "reports" that Sen. Brown has come out in favor of funding Planned Parenthood.  That is not actually what he said.

"I support family planning and health services for women. Given our severe budget problems, I don't believe any area of the budget is completely immune from cuts. However, the proposal to eliminate all funding for family planning goes too far. As we continue with our budget negotiations, I hope we can find a compromise that is reasonable and appropriate."

The reporting has confused the provision of H.R. 1 that zeroes out Title X for the rest of the fiscal year (on which MCFL has taken no position), with the Pence Amendment, which does NOT reduce funding for Title X but which denies federal funding, from any program, for PPFA and its affiliates.  Brown clearly expressed disagreement with the former provision, but he made no comment on the Pence Amendment.

Brown has pledged to vote against abortion funding.  Title X money is not supposed to be used for abortions.  Of course you are right - the funds are fungible, Planned Parenthood is doing a lot of murky things, they don't even provide some of the services they are touting, they have said they don't need federal money, a few years ago they could not account for hundreds of millions of dollars of federal funds, etc.

NPR got in trouble for using federal funds to lobby for federal funds.  It appears that PP will get away with it.   If they have sold their message to Congress better than we have, shame on us.

This means we must redouble the pressure!  The vote on the Pence amendment in the Senate has not occurred, so please get back on the phones.  Try to bring in some of your friends who haven't called yet.

Please make all the points you want, in any way you want, about the other awful things Planned Parenthood does, since those are the things that the Pence Amendment would defund.

Please call now, (202) 224-4543


If you can visit his office, so much the better


John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Suite 2400

15 New Sudbury Street

Boston, MA 02203, 617-565-3170



Defunding Planned Parenthood has been on our miracle list.  Now that it seems in the realm of possibility, we must work harder than ever.  Go to it!









For more information about the Pro-Life cause in Massachusetts or to get involved  
 please visit our website at

Monday, March 21, 2011

MCFL Convention and Youth Conference - please submit to your Church Bulletin


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I have sent this notice.  We find that only a few churches open our Bulletin notices.  It would be very helpful if you would submit it to your parish.  The notice about the Oratory Contest appeared in many Bulletins because you and others submitted it.  Thanks very much!  Anne


Learn the latest pro-life issues and how you can help on April 9th!  Massachusetts Citizens for Life Convention (8:30am - 4:00pm) and Youth Conference (2:30pm - 7:30 pm) at Boston College Law School feature national experts on Conscience Rights, Constitutionality of Obamacare, Doctor Prescribed Death, and International Population as well as practical training to change the culture and laws.  For information or registration, call 617-242-4199 or visit




For more information about the Pro-Life cause in Massachusetts or to get involved  
 please visit our website at

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Flash Mob" and visiting Sen. Brown's local office


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To report the way the media reports on our events:  "Two groups rallied Saturday on Boston Common.  The event was organized by Planned Parenthood to allow them to keep receiving tax funds.  The opposition, representing the citizens of the Commonwealth, carried signs opposed to funding.  One such sign read, 'Our Choice, Our Money, Defund Planned Parenthood'.   The pro funding group has held rallies in various parts of the country where they have attracted similar opposition."


Actually, the Herald article did give our people pretty equal space with a good quote by Eric Anthony.  John Curry took these wonderful pictures.

Flash Mod 1

Flash Mob 2

Sen. Brown's local office is reporting that they are deluged with visits from supporters of abortion funding and funding PP. 

You know, Cong. Chris Smith's bill, HR 3, would remove all government funding for abortion.  That is terribly important and, along with repealing Obamacare, our very top priority.  Officially, Planned parenthood is not allowed to use its Title X funds for abortion. 

It is extremely important that we visit the local office in support of HR 3 and of defunding Planned Parenthood!   Please make an appointment ASAP!

John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Suite 2400
15 New Sudbury Street
Boston, MA 02203

Voice: 617-565-3170
FAX: 617-723-7325


Thanks for making the effort!  Anne




For more information about the Pro-Life cause in Massachusetts or to get involved  
 please visit our website at